
1. (verb) in baseball: "The pitcher retired three batters"
Synonyms: put out

2. (verb) lose interest; "he retired from life when his wife died"
Synonyms: withdraw
Related Words: back down, back off, bow out, chicken out, fatigue, jade, pall, pull out, tire, weary

3. (verb) dispose of; as of old clothes; "She finally retired that old coat"
Synonyms: pension off
Related Words: cast aside, cast away, cast out, chuck out, discard, dispose, fling, put away, throw away, throw out, toss, toss away, toss out

4. (verb) go into retirement; stop performing one's work or withdraw from one's position; "He retired at age 68"
Related Words: bow out, leave office, quit, step down, superannuate, withdraw

5. (verb) withdraw from active participation: "He retired from chess"
Synonyms: withdraw
Related Words: cease, discontinue, give up, lay off, quit, stop

6. (verb) make (someone) retire; "The director was retired after the scandal
Related Words: can, dismiss, fire, force out, give notice, give the axe, sack, send away, superannuate, terminate

7. (verb) withdraw from circulation or form the market, as of bills, shares, and bonds
Related Words: recall

8. (verb) move back and away from; "The enemy fell back"
Synonyms: fall back, recede
Related Words: draw back, ebb, move back, pull away, pull back, recede, retire, retreat, retreat, retrograde, withdraw

9. (verb) break from a meeting or gathering; "We adjourned for lunch"; "The men retired to the library"
Synonyms: adjourn, withdraw
Related Words: close, close down, fold, prorogue, shut down

10. (verb) pull back or move away or backward; "The enemy withdrew"; "The limo pulled away from the curb"
Synonyms: draw back, move back, pull away, pull back, recede, retreat, withdraw
Related Words: back down, back off, back up, fall back, go, locomote, move, recede, retire, travel

11. (verb) go to bed in order to sleep; "I usually turn in at midnight"
Synonyms: crawl in, get into bed, go to bed, go to sleep, hit the hay, hit the sack, kip down, sack out, turn in
Related Words: bed down, bunk down

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